Laboratory 1

Introductory questions


Dumlu Talia

Student ID #


Where did you last study before coming to Dawson?

From kindergarden to high school I studied at College Stanislas

What program are you currently enrolled in?

I'm studying International Business

What are your plans after completing you DEC?

I'm planning on working towards a bachelors degree then getting an MBA after my DEC

What is your favorite subject?

I do not have a favorite subject

What is your favorite past-time/hobby/sport?

My favorite sport is horseback riding, I've been doing it for 11 years

Who do you most admire and Why?

I most admire my mother, because she has stayed strong through tough times and has taugh me evrything I know

Honestly, why did you select this course?

I took this course because it fit in my schedule and it looked interesting

Describe two different learning activities that you find most effective.

Two learning methods that are effective to me are to write evrything down and to listen and follow when given directions